
Meditation & Modern Buddhism

Practice Meditation With Us

Find inner peace, community, and deeper meaning in life.  Classes, retreats, and special events suited for all levels.

Upcoming Events & Retreats

Mini Retreat

A Buddhist Perspective on Death and Dying

Saturday, October 5 | 10am - 1:00pm

with Kadam Gerry Donovan

Buddha gave extensive teachings on the death process, and how to use an awareness of our death to live a more full and meaningful life.
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Take Control of Your Mind | Learn to Meditate

Saturday, October 19 | 10am - 11:30pm

Anyone can learn to meditate, really. We’re usually just so busy and distracted that it can be hard to believe. But it is possible to gradually improve our ability to quiet and calm our mind through practicing in meditation. It’s just a new skill!

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Weekly Drop-In Classes

11:00am - 12:15pm
with Kadam Gerry
12:15 - 12:45pm
with Keith Holmes
7:00 - 8:15pm
with Kadam Gerry
12:00 - 1:00pm
with Kadam Gerry
7:00 - 8:15pm
with Nick Ploplys

Meditate in the South Bay!

Connecting to a Global Good Heart 

The Kadampa Buddhism Worldwide 2024 brochure gives information about the International Festivals and Dharma Celebrations as well as visiting some of the beautiful Kadampa centers throughout the world.

Pick up a brochure at our Hermosa Beach center or download a pdf to your device.

2024 US National Festival

2024 International Kadampa Festivals

Meet Our Resident Teacher

Kadam Gerry Donovan

Resident Teacher of Mahamudra Kadampa Meditation Center

Kadam Gerry has been practicing under the guidance of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche since 2006. He has studied for many years in the Foundation and Teacher Training Programs and completed the six month intensive teacher training program at Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre in England. Kadam Gerry has served as Admin Director and taught for many years in New Bedford, MA and Providence, RI.

He has personally felt the great benefit of dharma practice in his own life and gives accessible teachings in a lighthearted way.

Kadam Gerry teaches Sunday Morning, Tuesday Evening, Wednesday Mid-Day, Saturday mini-retreats as well as our more in-depth study classes; Foundation Program and Teacher Training Program. He also guides Saturday Mini-Retreats, Foundation Retreats, and Special Events throughout the year.

© 2023 Mahamudra KMC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

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